General information about the house build project
Contact Information - Feel free to use and pass along in case of emergency: Irene Whalen: +1(530)574-4405 Email:
What we’ll be doing: Building homes for families in need and participating in community projects to get a better understanding of the community in which we serve. We’ll meet incredible people and create an unforgettable experience.
Friday: Travel down to the build site, spend the afternoon building, painting, participate in off-site activities, eat some delicious tacos, settle into our home for the weekend and spend the evening together as a group sharing and getting to know each other
Saturday: Breakfast at the house, pack up the bag lunches and head out to the build site and various activities. Catered dinner at the house.
Sunday: Pack up, finish final touches and dedicate the home to the family. Travel as a group back across the border. Depending on the border times, we typically arrive back in Chula Vista early evening.
How we’ll do it: An amazing group of dedicated volunteers - you will have your choice of working on the home and/or participating in various programs. Mix, match, paint, play - we have an amazing team of leaders who will make sure you are able to contribute in the way you see fit.
How we’ll get there: We’ll depart as a group at 8:00 am Friday morning - 374 East H Street, Ste 1704, Chula Vista, 91910 (meet behind Caffe Tazza). Please Uber or get dropped off at this location unless you’re planning on driving your vehicle to Mexico. If you are willing to drive or need to leave your car over the weekend, please let Irene know.
What’s included: Once you get to the meeting point Friday morning, we’ve got the rest covered! We’ll be staying at the Baja Bound beach house which has multiple rooms of bunk beds and a large upstairs room perfect for group gatherings. Think summer-camp style :) All beds have a bottom sheet, a pillow and a blanket. If you think you’ll need additional bedding, please bring it with you. Group prepared breakfasts, paper bag lunches and delicious Mexican dinners await!
What to bring: Signed release form submitted online, passport, work shoes, sunscreen, hat, work clothes (some paint is permanent), jacket or sweater (it tends to chill down at night), sleeping bag, towel & toiletries, comfy clothes for back at the house/evenings. All tools and materials will be on site. Please do not bring any luggage larger than a “carry on” - backpacks are preferred.
Anything else I should know? Come ready with an open heart and please reach out to the Greatness team if you have any questions!
Joining Us? Please complete the short intake form
THANK YOU for saying YES to making a difference. Let’s DO GREAT THINGS!
Frequently asked questions, answered:
1) The drive to Maneadero, Mexico is 2.5 hours from San Diego, safe, on paved roads.
2) Everyone will have an opportunity to build the home and support with community programs.
3) No experience is necessary! All you need is a big heart and a positive attitude :)
4) You're welcome to stay for all or part of the build weekend, whatever works best with your schedule.
5) The trip is very SAFE and accommodations for the weekend are in a gated community.